About Me
Hi, WorldsDominator here. Call me MARZ if my name seems too lengthy. I love drawing, noodles, sleeping, and playing games!
どうも、WorldsDominatorと申します、長いから「マーズ」で十分。絵を書くが好き、ゲーム好き、ラーメン食っと寝るのは好きです!I dream to be a professional artist and a mangaka! いつかプロイラストレーターと漫画家になりたいなWhy am I trying to take over the world? Heheheh, glad you asked...
*🍕kson総長🍕お誕生日おめでとうございます🎉, invited for fanart submission and singing
自傷無色 / Self Inflicted Achromatic Duet - Lorelai and MARZ, Drawn Illustrations for the MV2021
"Haato's Birthday Parade by World Wide Support Haato", volunteered on fanart submission2023
SYRIOSLY FASHIONABLE MagaZine, volunteered on fanart submission 'Wandering Hound' (Page 59)
Live2D Model, Logo, Stream Overlays
MARZ / WorldsDominatorSpaceship Room Design Overlay
@LangitSahajaChinese Outfit Design Concept @Jea_lly